World Homeless Day Telethon October 10, 2022

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World Homeless Day 2022

What is World Homeless Day?

Approximately 150 million people around the world are homeless.

World Homeless Day is an annual event that brings people together to find ways to change the lives of homeless people in the broader community and draw attention to the needs of the local homeless population.

The Purpose

We want to work in partnership with others to help the homeless become a functional and integral part of the community. Our desire is to improve their quality of life and promote self-betterment.

We want to encourage the community to get involved by giving financially to help over 250 homeless men and women in our community.

We want to educate individuals and raise awareness of eradicating the plight of homelessness.


H.O.P.E. Foundation Director’s Commitment

  • Advocate for the homeless/our guests
  • Provide necessary human resource tools to empower the homeless/our guests to return to a productive and meaningful life through sustainable independence and self-sufficiency
  • Exhibit loyalty and dedication to the homeless/our guests
  • Insist on absolute honesty, the highest standard of conduct, and accountability to each other and all stakeholders


Sunday, October 10, 2021 12-5PM – Murray Center 455 E. Brambleton Ave, Norfolk VA.

All are Welcome

We can all commit by sacrificing our time and money to help those less fortunate.

“But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver.”

Viewing Opportunities

You are more than welcome to participate in person or online.

To watch online, please visit:

Facebook: @hpefoundationinc


Get In Touch

Fill out the Form below if you’re looking to reach the H.O.P.E. Foundation.

H.O.P.E. Foundation
Personal Partners Program

Your pledge and support help us provide vital programs to our guests and the community such as:

  • Home Cooked Meals

  • Skill Training

  • Virginia DMV ID’s

  • Health Screenings

  • Medicaid/Medicare Services

  • GED’S

  • Veteran Services

  • Safe Overnight Shelter

  • Much More

Special Pledge

$20 /Mth

$240 /Yr

Consistent Pledge

$50 /Mth

$600 /Yr

Committed Pledge

$100 /Mth

$1200 /Yr

Bronze Pledge

$200 /Mth

$2400 /Yr

Silver Pledge

$250 /Mth

$3000 /Yr

Gold Pledge

$300 /Mth

$3600 /Yr

Platinum Pledge

$500 /Mth

$6000 /Yr

Double Platinum Pledge

$1000 /Mth

$12000 /Yr

The H.O.P.E. Foundation Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation dedicated to providing shelter, meals, and essential services to the disadvantaged and homeless population of Hampton Roads. Our mission is grounded in Christian love, and we wholeheartedly welcome each person seeking our services as cherished guests.

You can also send a donation/pledge through one of the following methods: